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A Gift From Paris: What Parisians Usually Give Each Other For Christmas

December 11, 2021
For years, the French have set the precedent for a lot of things. From how people dress to the standard of culinary excellence, they've exemplified the best so many times, there are too many to count. That includes gift-giving as well. In the city of Paris, one of the world's capitals of luxury, they've mastered the art of gift-giving for the holidays. With so many fine things on offer in the French capital, this shouldn't come as a surprise. And as Christmas draws near, it's high time people take a page out of the Parisians' book on what to give your loved ones for the holidays!
A Gift From Paris: What Parisians Usually Give Each Other For Christmas

A Bottle of Wine

In Paris, drinking wine is as normal as eating breakfast. For many others outside of France, wine is often saved for special occasions. But here in this country, most especially in its capital city, it's a way of life. And giving another a bottle of wine is a sign of utmost respect, admiration, and in most cases, love. Even though this is also a common custom in Paris, giving a bottle of wine for Christmas says a lot. It says that you cared enough for the recipient that you took the trouble of finding the best wine your money can buy that you know he/she will enjoy every day!
A Gift From Paris: What Parisians Usually Give Each Other For Christmas
Source: Wikimedia Commons


Do you know what Parisians also love best? Sweets! The city is home to the best candies, pastries, and desserts in the world. From world-class patisseries to unknown yet similarly-delicious cafés, there's no reason a resident of Paris can't give his/her loved ones some sweets for Christmas. It's not just that it's easy to get, but giving someone some sweets conveys affection. It's like you're telling them to have a 'sweet Christmas' this year. And this can easily be shown with a box of macarons, some signature chocolate bonbons, perhaps even an assortment of desserts from your nearest café!
A Gift From Paris: What Parisians Usually Give Each Other For Christmas
Source: Wikimedia Commons


Countless people have often regarded Paris as the capital of luxury perfumes so it's no wonder that a bottle or two makes for a great Christmas gift. In fact, it's actually in Paris that designer perfumes came to be. Often expensive and undeniably luxurious, it's one of the finer things you can get your loved ones for the holiday. It shows them just how much you're willing to spend just to make their Christmas merry! And there are plentiful scents from various French designer brands that will suit any type of person. You just have to pick what's best for your recipient!
A Gift From Paris: What Parisians Usually Give Each Other For Christmas
Source: Wikimedia Commons

Scented Candles

Speaking of scents, if luxurious designer perfumes are a bit too expensive for you, why not go for scented candles instead? Though they're less upscale than a parfum, it says a lot that you'd want your recipient's place to smell nice for the holidays. Not to mention that candles are also great ways to make one's home look festive to lift the Christmas spirit. And the best part? They can come cheap! Just about any street and open market in Paris will have them at low prices. Some are even homemade, which are often the sweetest-smelling ones in the bunch!
A Gift From Paris: What Parisians Usually Give Each Other For Christmas
Source: Wikimedia Commons


While vintage clothes shopping is common and actually popular in Paris, why not take it up a notch for the holidays? Another type of vintage that'd make a great Christmas gift is an antique. And since Paris is one of few cities nowadays that takes pride in preserving centuries-old items, you know that it's the sort of gift that people from this city will appreciate. Together with the luxury perfume, this might be one of the priciest options on this list. But if the recipient is someone truly important to you, the investment is worth it!
A Gift From Paris: What Parisians Usually Give Each Other For Christmas
Source: Wikimedia Commons

A Good Book

Finally, a good book is always a winner for a Parisian. Or at least, someone who feels like he/she is a Parisian! People in the French capital love reading. A good pastime for them is to read a good book whilst drinking coffee in the café by the corner. You've probably seen them do this in various movies or TV series set in Paris! And what better way to really evoke the spirit of the city for the holidays than to give a book about or relating to Paris? A Classic French novel, perhaps? Or a travel guide book that'd prove useful for when the recipient actually goes there!
A Gift From Paris: What Parisians Usually Give Each Other For Christmas
Source: Wikimedia Commons

If you don't know what to give your loved ones for Christmas this year, why not take a page out of the Parisians' book and give something that people from the French capital would probably give each other? After all, the French have always set the standard!

What's the best gift you can give yourself in Paris for Christmas? A luxury rental to go home to!




Paris, France
1500 € / night    
4 bedrooms3 bathrooms8-2
Paris, France
520 € / night    
2 bedrooms1 bathroom4-2
Paris, France
190 € / night    
1 bedroom1 bathroom3-2
Paris, France
331 € / night    
2 bedrooms2 bathrooms4

Paris, France

2 bedrooms2 bathrooms4
Paris, France
571 € / night    
3 bedrooms2 bathrooms7
Paris, France
236 € / night    
2 bedrooms1 bathroom4
Paris, France
200 € / night    
2 bedrooms1 bathroom4
Paris, France
285 € / night    
3 bedrooms1 bathroom5
Paris, France

3 bedrooms2 bathrooms6