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Yacht Etiquette in Cannes

June 10, 2021
When you're living the high life in Cannes, it's more than likely that you'll get invited to parties. Many of them will be in yachts. Your hosts will either be celebrities, dignitaries or even, at times, actual heads-of-state or royalty. Such is the prestige of socializing with the elites in Cannes. However, you have to remember that partying in yachts is a whole other ballgame. It's not like a ball in a hall or even a rave in a nightclub. There's a certain etiquette you need to follow to avoid embarrassing yourself and offending your host. Here are some you need to know.

Yacht Etiquette in Cannes

Know The Important People

It's not enough that you know the host or the owner of the yacht you were invited to. Though it's an unspoken rule of sorts, you, at the very least, have to know some of the other guests invited to the gathering. Even more so if you tagged along as someone's plus one. Don't think that just because the invitation wasn't personally given to you that you can get away with avoiding the people on the yacht simply because you don't know them. Let the guest that you're escorting let you in on who's who aboard. And, when all else fails, just be sociable and honest.

Be Polite To The Crew

There's no denying that in Cannes, especially in the city's yacht scene, class and status are everything. The mere fact that you were invited to a soirée—or you're the plus one of someone who got invited directly—means you're a big deal or you have a lot of connections. But do remember that doesn't necessarily make you above everyone else to the point that you can get away with treating them horribly. Especially the crew. Remember that they're the ones handling the food and drinks, ensuring you stay safe aboard, and waiting on your hand and foot. You'd do well in treating them politely, with kindness, and exercising patience.

Yacht Etiquette in Cannes

Don't Forget Your Shoes

Why do you think 'boat shoes' are a thing? Don't think that because you'll be on a yacht, hence there's a big chance you and what you're wearing might get wet, that you don't have to wear certain accessories. As fine as your designer shoes may be, there's no need to take them off if you're going to hang around another person's yacht. Whether it's a relaxed gathering or a social event, you don't take your shoes off aboard. Also, only wear shoes appropriate for this sort of setting. Women should avoid wearing heels and men should just wear boat shoes!

Don't Show You're Boredom

This goes back to the first point of knowing who's who in the yacht party you're attending. If you don't have someone to talk to, there's a good chance you'll just end up bored. But how do you think the host will feel? Even more so if you're just another guest's plus one? More than anything, find something to do, talk to the people around you, or even just eat if you have nothing else to do. Don't show your boredom to people aboard. Not only is it bad manners, it will also make you look bad in front of important people.

Yacht Etiquette in Cannes

Don't Take Too Many Selfies

Surely you've seen those celebrities, influencers, and travel instagrammers who've posted selfies on yachts, right? Most especially in a city like Cannes, a luxurious paradise that's become a symbol of excess and opulence. But while such snapshots are far too common online these days, it's actually quite a gauche thing to do. Yes, you can take selfies, most especially with people you know or you just met aboard. However, taking too much, hounding people (especially the famous ones) to take some with you, and staying on your phone throughout the party is rude and embarrassing. Don't do that!

Control Your Alcohol

This should probably go without saying but please control your alcohol aboard another person's yacht. Yes, it's fun to hop aboard, party, mingle with the elite, and the like, but if you get out of control, only heaven knows what will happen to your social life. It's okay to let loose and let go of your inhibitions while enjoying your time in Cannes, but like with everything else, do so in moderation. You might even cause an accident because you're drunk. You're not drinking in any of Cannes' top hotspots, you're on a yacht by the sea. This is the worst place to get drunk!

Yacht Etiquette in Cannes

When you're enjoying the good life in Cannes, chances are you might get invited—or dragged into one as someone's plus one—a yacht party. This glamorous coastal city is known for them! So when that happens, you ought to know the proper etiquette in these sorts of things!

Whether it'd be on a luxury yacht or a luxury home, you need to know the proper etiquette in such a high-class city like Cannes!



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