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Brussels's Best Playgrounds To Bring Your Kids To

December 23, 2021
Brussels doesn't exactly look like the city for kids, does it? It's all old castles, big palaces, vast museums, and the like. Perhaps, at first glance, your little ones will marvel at the majesty of the place, but as time goes on, they'll likely get bored and would want to do something else. With that in mind, why not take them to a playground instead? Such places are always the best to entertain your kids and let them have as much fun as they want! Fortunately, Brussels has a handful in store for you and your young ones!
Brussels's Best Playgrounds To Bring Your Kids To

Brussels Park

Is it really any surprise that Brussels Park, one of the biggest and most popular in the city, is part of this list? The beautiful patch of open land in the midst of a lot of neighborhoods in Brussels is one of the best places to go to if you want your kids to play for as much and as long as they want. And no matter what age your kid is, he/she will find somewhere to play here. There's the sandpit for toddlers and babies, monkey bars and swings for your older kids, and your teenagers can play sports on the open lawn too!

Georges Henri Park

Let's face it—Belgium isn't known for its beaches. The countries in the Caribbean and Southeast Asia have taken up that mantle. And while this fact may sadden many tropical-lovers here and there, that doesn't mean you can't have some sandy fun in the country. Even in the capital city of Belgium! For your kids to be able to build sandcastles, dig up holes, and the like, take them to Georges Henri Park. The playground here is practically one giant sandpit ready for the taking. Even your youngest babies can remain safe but still ahve loads of fun here!

Brussels's Best Playgrounds To Bring Your Kids To

Halle Gate

Admit it—part of what makes moving to Brussels worthwhile is seeing all the beautiful castles and palaces in the city. You'll feel like you're living in a different time period or something! And you won't get such views anywhere else. But is does that reason have any merit for your kids? Probably not! Sure, they'll marvel at the structures when they first see them, but as time passes by, they'll likely get bored. However, if you bring them to Halle Gate, they'll have loads of fun! The playground here has a mini-castle where they can play and pretend they're royalty and knights!

King Baudouin Park

If your kids are already a little older and standard playgrounds won't do it for them, why not bring them to King Baudouin Park? Here, there are three types of fun activities they can do! The first is splash around in the ponds and lakes of the park. When it's too hot to do anything outside, playing by the bodies of water. The second is a zip-line, giving them a chance to zoom through the botanical bliss the park offers. And third, for your younger kids, is the standard climbing features and swings. They never fail for the little ones, believe that!

Brussels's Best Playgrounds To Bring Your Kids To

Renier Chalon

In Ixelles, one of the busier neighborhoods of Brussels, there's the beautiful Renier Chalon playground that's perfect for your kids to have fun in for a short while. When you meet your kids after school but you can't go home yet, taking them here is a great way to pass the time. The wooden playground here is amazing, looking more like a playset than an actual play area. Full of climbing frames, swings for days, and a few fun slides to boot, there's no way your kids can't have fun in this playground! They'll likely want to go back here for more!

Rouge-Cloître Park

The Rouge-Cloître area in Brussels probably looks far from what your kids would want to go to in the city. But the park here, however, is a different story! With three separate playgrounds to ensure your kids will have as much fun here as anywhere else, this is a perfect place to bring them to when you just want to hang out as a family. Sure, the playgrounds here aren't exactly extraordinary, but at times, that's the best part. The classic playground features here will enable your little ones to really get wild with their imagination during playtime.

Brussels's Best Playgrounds To Bring Your Kids To

Best believe that Brussels is as fun and exciting a place for your little ones as it is for you! Though it may not look it at first, the city has a handful of playgrounds and other fun areas where your kids can have the time of their lives!

Brussels' luxury rentals will make your stay in the Belgian capital that much better! Not just for you, but for your kids too!

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