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Dealing With Healthcare in Saint Tropez

June 16, 2021
Without a doubt, Saint Tropez is all about enjoying the finer things in life. It's a place where many escape to; one where they get to indulge in luxuries, revel in excess, and more. However, as the saying goes, 'too much of a good thing is also bad!' If you're not careful, you might end up needing some serious medical treatment. And if that happens, will you know what to do? Will you know who to contact, where to go, and the like? If you don't, then here's what you need to know about dealing with healthcare in Saint Tropez.

Dealing With Healthcare in Saint Tropez

Centre Hospitalier de Saint Tropez

First things first, you ought to know that in Saint Tropez, there's really only one healthcare institution that will take care of you: Centre Hospitalier de Saint Tropez. The finest and practically the only hospital in the city, it's well-equipped with advanced medical technology, staffed by prominent health professionals, and more. Don't worry! Although this is the only place of its kind in Saint Tropez, it doesn't get so crowded that you'll need to go to another city to get treated. As long as you have the proper French healthcare coverage, you'll get treated here no matter what.

Emergency Hotline Numbers To Know

Here in Saint Tropez, it's better to always be prepared. For the most part, that means knowing the emergency hotlines to ensure that you'll get help the moment you need it. As France is part of Europe, the main emergency hotline here is 112. If you're contacting via SMS text, however, send it to 114. Now, for medical emergencies, dial 15 right after contacting the emergency hotline. This will ultimately help you get in contact with ambulance and paramedic services if you need them. And if something happens to you in the water, contact the Maritime Emergency & Coastguard hotline by dialing 196.

Dealing With Healthcare in Saint Tropez

How To Manage Your Kids’ Healthcare

When something happens to your kids while you're in Saint Tropez, know that there is a standard protocol when getting them treated by a doctor here. Firstly, ensure that your little ones are your dependents in your healthcare coverage. Once that's out of the way, for tourists and expats, it's possible that you'll be required to show your and their passports in the hospital. It will also prove useful if you provide information about your kids' condition, including their age, weight, allergies, current health problems, medications they're taking, vaccinations, and the like. This will help the doctor treat your children carefully without worsening any other conditions they may have.

Paying For Medical Treatments

It's no secret that, in Saint Tropez, money will always be a big issue. In this instance, it's all about paying for your medical treatment. In this city, the common practice is to pay first, then reclaim and get reimbursed later. Unless you have a French “Carte Vitale,” or a local health insurance card, you'll be expected to pay upfront. It's only after your treatment and when you've been discharged from the hospital can you claim a partial refund from the health insurance office in the city. Do note that expenses incurred through private healthcare are often non-refundable.

Staying Healthy in Saint Tropez

To better ensure you have a healthy stay in Saint Tropez, you ought to follow some important tips. Firstly, always have a first-aid kit handy. Even if your injury is so serious that using your first aid kit isn't enough, you can still lessen its severity if you treat it right away. This also helps lessen the risk of any wounds getting infected in the future. Secondly, to have an easier time contacting the emergency hotline in Saint Tropez, use a local SIM card. Very rarely do mobile networks, even the international ones, enable you to easily contact the emergency hotlines in France.

Dealing With Healthcare in Saint Tropez

Here in Saint Tropez, you'll better enjoy the finer things in life if you're healthy and happy. And to ensure that you do stay this way, you have to know how to properly deal with healthcare when the time comes. Be informed to avoid stress and hassle that will only worsen your health!
